Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Introduction To Oman Oil Marketing Company Information Technology Essay Essay Example
Introduction To Oman Oil Marketing Company Information Technology Essay Essay Database can be considered as a bank of informations. Its an indispensable manner for informations aggregation, storage and retrieval ; facilitates the transmutation of informations into information and the direction of both informations and information. I will be depicting Database System used Oman Oil Marketing Company S.A.O.G ( OOMCO ) . Introduction to Oman Oil Marketing Company Oman Oil foremost established in 1957 as British Petroleum ( BP ) . In August 1998 BP floated and was registered as an Omani public company seting its stock in Muscat Security Market ( MSM ) by 1st November 1998. BP eventually sold all their portions to Oman Oil Company in early 2002. In September 2003 Oman Oil Marketing Company was established. OOMCO is a downstream fuel and oils marketing company. Involved in the selling and distribution of both land and air power fuels together with lubricators throughout the Sultanate. Its major stockholders are: OMAN OIL COMPANY ( 49 % ) , SUHAIL BAHWAN GROUP ( 9 % ) , DIDIC ( 5 % ) and PUBLIC OF OMAN ( 37 % ) . OOMCO concern maps within: RETAIL / FUEL CARDS, COMMERCIAL, LUBRICANTS, AVIATION, OPERATIONS, FINANCE / IT, ENGINEERING / HSSE, HUMAN RESOURCES and GOVERNMENT PUBLIC AFFAIRS. OOMCO Retail operates gasoline make fulling Stationss with Shops, Car washes, Jet washes and Oil Change installation. All F/S are operated by Oman oil or by trader s Stationss. OOMCO offers to clients two cards Basma ( Smart card Prepaid Card ) and Ejaba ( Magnetic Corporate Card ) . All their concern includes a batch of informations which are maintained in different Information System. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction To Oman Oil Marketing Company Information Technology Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction To Oman Oil Marketing Company Information Technology Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction To Oman Oil Marketing Company Information Technology Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The followers are the application system used in Oman Oil Marketing Company S.A.O.G ( OOMCO ) : Terminal Management System Terminal Automation System Lubes System Fuel Card coverage Faculty Invoicing System ( Retail System ) Payroll System Admin System Business Intelligence System Tank estimating System, Prophet Financials E-Forms TASK ONE: Q1. Database Administrator End User: Oman Oil Marketing Company Staff. System Developers: IT Analyst. Web Application Developer. Application Plans: 1. Terminal Automation System 2. Terminal Management System 3. Invoicing System ( Retail System ) 4. Fuel Card coverage Faculty 5. Admin System 6. E-Forms 7. Business Intelligence System 8. Lubes System 9. Planned Delivery System ( PDS ) 10. Payroll System 11. Prophet Financials User Interface: Prophet Developers and Visual C++ . CASE Tool . Database: 3 Production DBs A ; 3 Test Dubnium Depository Oracle DBMS nkk Q2: Oman Oil Marketing Database Administrator has a really of import critical function. His keeping many applications and besides his responsible and a team leader of all system developers that s besides looking after the Database waiter. His chief duties include: Primary duty: Keep the Existing Business Applications ( TMS, Retail, Lubes, Fuel-card, Payroll, Admin, e-Forms, Lube-plus ) Supports Lube-Plus Application and problem shot ORACLE Applications. One or all of the followers ( Release 12 suite, Financial, eAM, Order direction, Inventory, Purchasing, HCM ) Testing, Implementation and Training to the users Support the concern in the daily operational jobs / problem hiting issues as and when they arise. Rollout upgrade / new alterations to the system to all sites Perform Oracle Database Administration Tasks Perform Quarterly Health cheques for all the databases Perform Performance Tuning, as and when required Perform Recovery of the database in the event of a clang Secondary duty: Provide Applications Helpdesk Support to the Users Perform Troubleshooting of the issues logged in by the users Modify the plans ( Forms, Reports etc ) suitably to decide the issues Handle the release direction procedure, with the blessing of the IT Manager Perform the Software Development Life Cycle for little to medium application undertakings, with the counsel of the IT Manager As for the system developers who chiefly required to develop new system and work on work outing current system mistake with Database Administrator. The IT Analyst / Web Application Developer undertakings include: Primary Accountability: Web and Mobile based Business Applications development and care. Development of Notification/Alerts systems utilizing Mobile and SMS engineering. Support and sweetening of bing applications ( e-Service Request, Payroll, HRMS, Admin, e-Forms, SMS-Pro ) Application Training, Support and Trouble hiting Supply Support to the Users ( e-Service Request, Payroll, HRMS, Admin, e-Forms, SMS-Pro ) Keep the Existing Business Web/SMS based Applications ( e-Service Request, Payroll, HRMS, Admin, e-Forms, SMS-Pro ) Perform Troubleshooting of the issues logged in by the users Modify the plans ( Forms, Reports etc ) suitably to decide the issues Handle the release direction procedure, with the blessing of Sr. Manager Information technology Perform the Software Development Life Cycle for web/mobile based application undertakings Application Training, Rollout and Support. End users connect to applications through an Oracle Developers and one with Ocular C++ . They are about 50 users utilizing different application based on their occupation demand and depts. , for illustration disposal and HR dept have entree to Payroll system they can bring forth and see study but ca nt modify, add or cancel records without traveling back to IT dept either to the database disposal or developers. CASE Tool is used by database decision makers and developers. It assists and facilitates the manner they develop, maintain, and view the database applications. Some illustration of used dramatis personae tools are: Case Studio 2A Acquired by Toad, Database Design Tool ( DDT ) , Database Design Studio, Google WWW SQL Designer, MySQL Workbench, SQL Manager, Toad Data Modeler, Visio and many more. No CASE Tool is used in Oman Oil Marketing. Prophet Developers and Visual C++ are the interface used in Oman Oil Marketing to enable all terminal users to interact with the database. Basically an interface is any object that facilitates the communicating between a machine and the user in manner that is simple clear and apprehensible to the user. All users do nt hold programming background neither could they understand one scheduling bid, so an interface allows them to acquire their inside informations by a chink of a button. The scheduling is done in the background of the interface where the users ca nt see or experience it. There are 13 active Application used in Oman Oil Marketing Company as followed: Terminal Management System. Terminal Automation System. Lubes System. Fuel Card coverage Module. Invoicing System ( Retail System ) . Payroll System. Admin System. Business Intelligence System. Tank estimating System. Prophet Financials E-Forms Please refer to Appendix 2 for more inside informations about the applications. Oracle DBMS is normally known as Oracle RDBMS or merely Oracle it s besides short for Relational Database Management System. It s a system offered to people by Oracle Corporation. It consists of physical and logical constructions. It depends on different procedures working together in the system background to supervise and put to death database operations. Is comes in 63 linguistic communication versions and is being observed by the Database Administrator. Repository is a storage where informations are being stored and retrieved when necessary to be used in a specific computing machine or user. Q3: Protecting our package is an indispensable responsibility of every person in the organisation. Every state universe broad has a right of first publication jurisprudence which is a mast be followed and implemented by every citizen. Interrupting the right of first publication jurisprudence and Software buccaneering is considered a offense that a individual will be punished for that could besides take to incarcerating or paying a batch of money. Oman has declared its right of first publication jurisprudence June 15, 1996 by his stateliness. Since the jurisprudence was effectual and taken really earnestly people felt their package or merchandises are protected from such offenses. Oman Oil has a bound figure of people who have entree to the DBMS and the system is secured no package is allowed to be copied for any sort of grounds. They have besides contacted Oracle to attest some of there merchandises which were developed by there staff. Q4: Oman Oil Marketing Company hardware demand Undertaking Two: Using Oracle DBMS I managed to make a dealing treating database with SGA size = 600MB. Please refer to Appendix 1. By following the Oracle Flexible Architecture ( OFA ) guidelines I managed to make SALES_APP_TBS and SALES_IDX tablespaces. OFA helps DBA to form the files when making an Oracle database. SQL gt ; CREATE TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS DATAFILE C: TASK1SALES_APP_TBS.DBF SIZE 100M ; SQL gt ; CREATE TABLESPACE SALES_IDX DATAFILE C: TASK1SALES_APP_TBS.DBF SIZE 100M ; Create SALESPERSON tabular array: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE SALESPERSON ( SALESPERSON_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, SALESPERSON_NAME VARCHAR2 ( 30 ) , SALESPERSON_TELEPHONE NUMBER, SALESPERON_FAX NUMBER ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create SALES TERRITORY tabular array: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE SALES_TERRITORY ( TERRITORY_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, TERRITORY_NAME VARCHAR2 ( 20 ) NOT NULL ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create Does Business In: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE DOSE_BUSINESS_IN ( TERRITORY_ID NUMBER NOT NULL REFERENCES SALES_TERRITORY ( TERRITORY_ID ) , CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER NOT NULL REFERENCES CUSTOMER ( CUSTOMER_ID ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create PRODUCT LINE Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE PRODUCT_LINE ( PRODUCT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES PRODUCT ( PRODUCT_ID ) , PRODUCT_LINE_NAME VARCHAR2 ( 30 ) ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create CUSTOMER Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER ( CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, CUSTOMER_NAME VARCHAR2 ( 20 ) , CUSTOMER_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 ( 15 ) , ORDER_ID REFERENCE ORDER ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create ORDER Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE ORDER ( ORDER_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ORDER_DATE DATE ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create Table PRODUCT Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE PRODUCT ( PRODUCT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 ( 30 ) , PRODUCT_FINISH DATE, STABDARD_PRICE NUMBER ( 38 ) ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create ORDER LINE Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE ORDER_LINE ( PRODUCT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ORDERED_QUANTITY NUMBER ( 30 ) NOT NULL ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create VENDOR Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE VENDOR ( VENDOR_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, VENDOR_NAME VARCHAR2 ( 20 ) , VENDOR_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 ( 20 ) ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create Uses Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE USES ( MATERIAL_ID NUMBER NOT NULL REFERENCES RAW_MATERIAL_ID ( MATERIAL_ID ) , PRODUCT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL REFERENCES PROUDCUT ( PRODUCT_ID ) , GOES_INTO_QUANTITY VARCHAR2 ( 20 ) ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create Produced In Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE PRODUCED_IN ( PRODUCT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL REFERENCE PRODUCT ( PRODUCT_ID ) , WORK_CENTER_ID NUMBER NOT NULL REFERENCE WORK_CENTER ( WORK_CENTER_ID ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create WORK CENTER Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE WORK_CENTER ( WORK_CENTER_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, WORK_CENTER_LOCATION VARCHAR2 ( 30 ) ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create RAW MATERIAL Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE RAW_MATERIAL ( MATERIAL_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, MATERIAL_NAME VARCHAR2 ( 30 ) , STANDARD_COST NUMBER, UNTI_OF_MEASURE VARCHAR2 ( 10 ) ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create Supplies Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE SUPPLIES ( VENDOR_ID NUMBER NOT NULL REFERENCE VENDOR, MATERIAL_ NUMBER NOT NULL ID REFERENCE RAW_MATERIAL, SUPPLY_UNIT_PRICE NUMBER ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create Works In Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE WORK_IN ( WORK_CENTER_ID NUMBER NOT NULL REFERENCE WORK_CENTER ( WORK_CENTER_ID ) , EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL REFERENCE EMPLOYEE ( EMPLOYEE_ID ) ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create Employee Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE ( EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, EMPLOYEE_NAME VARCHAR2 ( 20 ) , EMPLOYEE_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 ( 10 ) ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create Has Skill Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE HAS_SKILL ( EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL REFERENCES EMPLOYEE ( EMPLOYEE_ID ) , SKILL VARCHAR2 ( 30 ) REFERENCES SKILL ( SKILL ) ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Create SKILL Table: SQL gt ; CREATE TABLE SKILL ( SKILL VARCHAR2 ( 30 ) PRIMARY KEY ) TABLESPACE SALES_APP_TBS ; Index 1. SQL gt ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX SaleNameIndex ON SALESPERSON ( SALESPERSON_NAME ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek for sales representative based on name. 2. SQL gt ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX SaleTelIndex ON SALESPERSON ( SALESPERSON_TELEPHONE ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek for sales representative based on telephone figure. 3. SQL gt ; CREATE INDEX TerritoryNameIndex ON SALES_TERRITORY ( TERRITORY_NAME ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek for district item based on district name. 4. SQL gt ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CustomerNameIndex ON CUSTOMER ( CUSTOMER_NAME ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek client based on name 5. SQL gt ; CREATE INDEX CustomerAddIndex ON CUSTOMER ( CUSTOMER_ADDRESS ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek client based on reference. 6. SQL gt ; CREATE INDEX PostalCodeIndex ON CUSTOMER ( POSTAL_CODE ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek client based on postal reference 7. SQL gt ; CREATE INDEX ProductDesIndex ON PROUDCT ( PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek merchandises based on their description. 8. SQL gt ; CREATE INDEX ProductFinIndex ON PRODUCT ( PRODUCT_FINISH ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek merchandises based on merchandises finish. 9. SQL gt ; CREATE INDEX EmpNameIndex ON EMPLOYEE ( EMPLOYEE_NAME ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek for vitamin E employee based on their names. 10. SQL gt ; CREATE INDEX EmpAddIndex ON EMPLOYEE ( EMPLOYEE_ADDRESS ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek for employee based on their reference. 11. SQL gt ; CREATE INDEX SalesPersonDetail ON SALESPERSON ( SALESPERSON_NAME, SALESPERSON_TELEPHONE ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek sales representative inside informations based on their names and telephone figure. 12. SQL gt ; CREATE INDEX CustomerDetails ON CUSTOMER ( CUSTOMER_NAME, CUSTOMER_ADDRESS ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek for client based on their names and reference. 13. SQL gt ; CREATE INDEX EmpDetail ON EMPLOYEE ( EMPLOYEE_NAME, EMPLOYEE_ADDRESS ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek for employee based on their names and reference 14. SQL gt ; CREATE INDEX VendorDetail ON VENDOR ( VENDOR_NAME, VENDOR_ADDRESS ) TABLESPACE SALES_IDX ; Used to seek for seller based on their names and reference. Position SQL gt ; CREATE VIEW C1 AS SELECT CUSTOMER_ID, CUSTOMER_NAME FROM CUSTOMER ; SQL gt ; CREATE VIEW SC1 AS SELECT CUSTOMER_NAME, TERRITORY_NAME FROM CUSTOMER A, SALES_TERRITORY B WHERE A.CUSTOMER_ID=B.TERRITORY_ID ; 3. SQL gt ; SELECT PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION, PRODUCT_FINISH, ORDERED_QUANTITY FROM PRODUCT, ORDER_LINE WHERE PRODUCT.PRODUCT_ID=ORDER_LINE.PRODUCT_ID ; Tasting waiter 1st in server side: Get DB name: ORCL Get IP reference or waiter name ( to acquire IP add type in bid IP CONFIG ) . Port No: 1521 ( Logical port of Oracle ) . Disable firewall. 2nd the client side: Get IP reference of the waiter and trial connectivity between client and sever. Then travel to ALL PROGRAMa†’ ORACLE-DevSuiteHome1a†’ CONFIGURATION A ; MIGRATION TOOLS a†’ NET CONFIGURATION ASSISTANT a†’ LOCAL NET SERVICE NAME CONFIGURATION a†’ NEXT a†’ ADD a†’ SERVICE NAME: ORCL a†’ NEXT a†’ TCP a†’ NEXT a†’ HOST NAME: ( THIS IP IS JUST AN EXAMPLE ) a†’ Following a†’ YES PERFORM TEST a†’ NEXT a†’ NET SERVICES Name: SAMIYA a†’ NO a†’ FINISH. Then unfastened SQL user name, watchword, host twine ( type here the net service name ) I recommend Automatic Storage ManagementA ( ASM ) . It s a characteristic offered by Oracle Corporation inside the Oracle DB for Oracle 10g and supra. It enhances simpleness of DB files. It contains tools that manage file systems and volumes from inside the DB. As quoted from wiki website In drumhead ASM provides the undermentioned functionality: Manages groups of discs, called disc groups. Manages disk redundancy within a disc group. Provides near-optimal I/O equilibrating without any manual tuning. Enables direction of database objects without stipulating saddle horse points and file names. Supports big files.
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