
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Stat Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stat Essay - Assignment Example Moreover, the constant service time for each of the customer is 2 minutes. Therefore, the maximum total time consumed by the customer in availing the service is 8 minutes. Therefore, it can be stated that customer waiting time in seconds will be 480seconds in average. Single-phase queuing system is a type of queuing system where there is a single server, which provides service to the customer entirely. There are two types of single phase queuing system. One is of single channel i.e. the presence of a single server for every customer in the waiting line. While, the other is of multi channel i.e. the presence of multiple server, but each server is providing service to the customer. Single phase queuing system is appropriate when a single server delivers all the desired requirement of the customer. This type of system is appropriate when there is no requirement of multi specialized service providers (Ozcan, 2009). For instance, this type of system is mostly seen when a person goes to hair dressing saloon. A single service provider of the saloon provides the desired requirement of the customer at his/her own. This system is diagrammatically shown below. On the other hand, Multi-phase queuing system is a type of queuing system where there are multiple servers to provide service to the individual customers one after another i.e. in phases. There are two types of multi phase queuing system. One is the single channel, where the entire customers pass through a single set of servers. The other is the multi channel, where there is a presence of multiple sets of servers. Multi phase queuing system is appropriate when there is a requirement of multi specialized service providers. Here a specific task of the service is provided by a service provider or a group and the rest is performed by the different service providers at phases. Here each service provider is specialized at his/her work. This type of system is prominently

Monday, October 28, 2019

Character study from Of Mice And Men Essay Example for Free

Character study from Of Mice And Men Essay After reading the novel I have understood that many characters had dream. The book Of Mice and Men was set in the depression of the 1930s in California where Men travelled around looking for any work they could find, they had to leave families and homes just to make money. The novel shows that people who lived on ranches were lonely. These were depressing and desperate times, no hope and no future. George and Lennie: George and Lennie being migrant ranch workers like several other Americans in those had a dream. Were gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an a cow and some pigs Their dream is to own a farm or a ranch of their own so they could be their own boss and wouldnt have to be pushed round by other ranch owners who they work for now. They wanted to independent due to the working and having a job always cost them lost of; money, friends and other relationships. Their life was always living in a stable with different people. They were very lonely Guys like us who work on ranched are the loneliest guys in the world. The character George is a small, quick man with well-defined features and with big heart. Georges relationship with Lennie is likely to be like a stepfather as George was very caring for Lennie, however in some stages he told him off. His only set-back is his mentally handicapped friend Lennie whom he travels with and has been since he promised Lennies aunt Clara he would look after him after she died. Looking after Lennie stops George from working towards his dream and even prevent him from having a normal life of a rancher, because of this George and Lennie regularly fight. Lennie always forgets all goods things that George tells him such when they went they see the new boss Lennie, you keep your mouth shut in front of the boss as enter the office he jumbled the things up, however he always remembers bad things that George told had told him. Lennie is a maniac about petting nice and soft thing such as velvet, soft small animals (i.e. rabbits and mice). These things usually some how put him in trouble such as the big disaster that happens. Lennie is mentally like a child; he didnt have any sexual emotion. How the society can accuse him that he could do soothing like that? It shows the illiterateness of people however there are people who can read and publish magazines. Lennie always is a problem and George tells him. At stages of the story George gets angry with Lennie and tells him about his life without Lennie: Whatever we aint got, thats what you want. God amighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job an work, a no trouble. No mess at all, and when the end of the month come I could take my fifty bucks and go into town an get whatever I want. George and Lennie lives so hard life, so bleak that they used their dream as a way of comforting themselves. Daydreaming and talking about it was the only thing that gave them hope. George was kidding himself he knew that their will not becoming true. He just used Lennie as companion to have someone to talk to. The dream that Lennie and George have is not a reality till the characters are introduced to Candy. He is an old, one-handed man; he befriends George and Lennie when they first get on the ranch. Candy becomes a very lonely man after Carlson kills his only companion, his dog and hopes for the same fate. When they can me here I wisht somebodyd shoot me When he hears Lennie and George talking about the dream he becomes excited and offers money towards it so they can buy a farm, he also offers to work on the farm. John Steinbeck gives an insight of the dog and gives hint that this what is going to happen to Lennie. John Steinbeck also gives the descriptions of Lennie being very strong. Lennie killed Curleys wife. Curley and other went to get him. George told Lennie in the beginning when he gets in trouble he should go in the bushes. George knew that Curley would give Lennie hell may be put him in the cage and will assaults in different ways. George had no option then killing Lennie. George met Lennie in bushes and start to tell him about their and suddenly pulled the behind his back and killed him. Lennie was responsible for ending their dreams and died while listening about their dream. Curleys wife: Curleys wife is another major character in the novel. She is naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve as she believes in everyone even Lennie. She is pretty as says because I am natural she also had a dream; her dream was to be a Hollywood actress. She was being told that she work in the films by a director while filming a picture. She didnt understand men. The director told her that she can be an actress that was the easiest way for him to get her in the. She didnt realise that working in the Hollywood is not a joke; actually people need knowledge and beauty to work down there. Curleys wifes dream wasnt going to come true due to she was married to Curley soon she would have a dozen of kids. She didnt like Curley Curley ant a nice fella as Curley was a controlled freak. She was the only woman in the ranch. She had the right to speak to other people, however when she find someone to talk they ignored her due to she was a troubled mans wife. So Curleys wife flirted with men to attract them she was heavily made up such as roughed lips, wide space eyes, red finger nails and hair this was may be due to she was newly married. When she found men and Curley wasnt there she start to flirted she was standing in the door way, she putted her had behind her back to lean against the door frame so the body was thrown out putting her hands behind her back means to show her body, to show her breast bigger, so as her hips. All these descriptions make attraction. The way she talked to men I guess I better look someplace else and she said playfully she may be wanted attraction for her sexual life due to Curley might not have full filled her sexual wants as Curley always kept one of his soft. gloves full Vaseline. Curleys wife knew that Lennie crushed Curleys hand, so how can she allow him to touch her as he was a stranger. She is also the person responsible for ending Georges, Lonnies and Candys dream. Her death by Lennie was actually a favour for her due to she was the only person who died without seeing her dream not coming true. Crooks: Crooks was the other major character in the novel. When George arrived found about Crooks found a winkle in his bunck said give the stable back hell. Crooks was then described by Candy that he is a nigger this shows the amount of racism that occurred those days as a black man was called by a racist word. Everyone gave him hell he was nearly being killed in the Christmas when he bring a gallon of whisky and when the people got drunk he was being beaten up. He is also being described as a nice fella however he was not being accepted in the society. When Lennie went to see Crooks he told him you got no right to come in my room. Crooks was angry so much at first due to he hurt in the past by white people that he doesnt give a chance to hurt him again as through his life he has been a boxing bag that everyone punched and went. When he finds Lennie weaker then himself he tries to wind him up as he tells Lennie spouse George gone a left you alone, what will you do Lennie was scared and nearly knock Crooks out. Crooks was an American citizen, he wasnt a slave like other black people in America those days. I ant a southern Negro I was born right here in California he had that life style as a normal American white citizens. When he was a kid he used to play with white kids and go to their place and sometimes they came to his fathers ranch. John Steinbecks wrote this book due to he wanted to show to the people what had happen during depression. Steinbecks dream is an aspect of all the characters dreams of an equal society; Crooks, equal rights for different races, Candys, rights for work and ageism, Curleys wife, womens rights and Lennies, right of a mad person. Steinbeck would like to see all these aspects in his idea of society. He saw the problems of his society and maybe tried to change them with this book. Steinbecks again mention in the from George point of view where he describes to Lennie at the end The place no-ones gonna hurt you. This tells us about heaven where everyone is going to be treated the same way and everyone would have the right to live a free life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Messiah Stones :: essays research papers

The main character in The Messiah Stones is John McGowan. He has a wife names Sarah, a son names Joshua who is eight years old, and Oliver who is six years old. His Dad left him when he was nine years old because he went to Jerusalem for an archeological dig and never saw him again after he left. Because of this he lived with his mother for his whole childhood. John is a family man who loves his wife and kids very much, and missed his father. It doesn’t tell what John does for a living but he is wealthy because Sarah owns a book store that does very well. John plays a big part in the story because everything in the book evolves around him. In the book he goes to a lawyer in Washington DC because he is told that he has received something from his father that has been passed down to him in his will. John gets to DC and receives a letter from his father to him. The letters tell him that when he was in Jerusalem for the archeological dig that he found three stones and 1 round stone globe. Each stone glowed and at the bottom of each stone was the word "McGowan" carved. The globe had the name "Sarah" carved on it. Later on in the letter it say that his correspondent Ari told him that the he knows of the stones and said that they have a great deal to do with god. He says that when the Messiah Stones are found that God will judge who is worthy. When John goes home he tells his wife and he decides that his destiny is to go to Jerusalem and find the stones. When they get there they go to a temple where people pray one to two times daily. When they get there a woman that is praying approaches them and says that she has been expecting them. She says that she has had dreams of them coming and she has also come to Jerusalem to find the stones. They go to a coffee house and compare dreams. Later on John finds Ari’s address and goes there. He finds him and Ari tells him a the story of how his father died. He says that when him and his father were in a war in Jerusalem.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Assess the contribution of feminist sociologists to an understanding of family roles and relationships Essay

Assess the contribution of feminist sociologists to an understanding of family roles and relationships. In this essay I will explore the different schools of feminism such as Marxist, liberal and radical feminism, who share the view that women are oppressed in a patriarchal society but differ in opinion on who benefits from the inequalities. Each school of feminism has their own understanding of family roles and relationships which I will assess through this essay. Firstly one must look at the division of domestic labour and conjugal roles. Conjugal roles refer to the roles performed by men and women in relation to housework, childcare and paid work. Traditionally men had the instrumental ‘bread-winning’ role which the women had the expressive role (childcare and primary socialisation). Feminists say that the traditional division of labour is neither natural nor beneficial to women as their expressive role is unpaid and taken for granted. However different feminist views disagree on who benefits from this unpaid labour. Marxist feminists would argue it is capitalism that benefits most as wives keep their husbands happy and therefore they are left with a content workforce. On the other hand, radical feminists would argue that men are the main people to gain from women’s oppression as we live in a patriarchal society. A functionalist view from Wilmott and Young says that there has been a ‘march of progress’ in which the family has become more symmetrical with more joint conjugal roles (where both partners share the household labour). However feminists reject this view with Oakley arguing the family still remains patriarchal and Boulton saying the evidence to support the alleged rise in symmetry is weak, and that the responsibility for childcare still lies with women. Furthermore, Oakley describes how the housewife role has become dominant for women in a marriage since the industrialisation in the 19th century. Although women started off as part of the work force they were gradually excluded and confined to the home with housework and childcare responsibilities. This shows how the role of the housewife was socially constructed rather than being ‘natural’ as claimed by Parsons, and how it benefits both men and capitalism. Additionally, even though the 20th century saw a rise in the number of married women in paid labour, they remain in lower paid jobs and unable to climb the job ladder due the the ‘glass ceiling’ (earning just 80% of a man’s wages in the same position). Silver and S chor stress the importance of two economic developments that  reduce the burden of housework on women. The commercialisation of housework means that goods and services previously produced by women themselves are now mass-produced and supplied by shops, including freezers, microwaves, ‘ready meals’ and so on, reducing the amount of domestic labour women have to do. Additionally, the increase in women working allows them the ability to afford these goods. Silver and Schor, as a result, argue the burden on housework has decreased. However critics argue that for poorer women it is not an option to buy these expensive goods and services. Feminists also argue that even if commercialisation has reduced the amount of housework needing to be done, it does not prove that couples share the remaining chores equally. A further argument from some sociologists is that rather than a ‘new man’ who has an equal share of housework now more women are working, women have simply acquired a dual burden of both paid and unpaid work. With this view feminists say that the family remai ns patriarchal, with men benefiting from both women’s earnings but also their domestic labour. Ferri and Smith provide evidence of women’s dual burden, finding that the father taking main responsibility for childcare occurred in less than 4% of families from their sample. In addition to the dual burden, Duncombe and Marsden argue the case of the ‘triple shift’ where women do the double shift of housework and paid work, but also take up emotion work (the management of one’s own and other’s emotions). As this essay has shown so far, there is inequality in who does what in the home but there is also inequality in decision-making; in deciding who gets what and how the family resources are shared out between them. Barrett and McIntosh note that mean usually make the most important decisions, the financial support from men is often unpredictable and they usually gain more from women’s domestic labour than they give back in return. Feminist sociologists Pahl and Vogler suggest that because of men’s higher earnings women have more financial dependence on their husbands and this is why men take more control over major decisions. Edgell agrees with this view and states that women only exert some control on less important decisions such as home dà ©cor. Finch argues that wives’ lives are generally structured around the husbands’, such as if the husband had to move for work, the wives would pick up and go with them, whereas it is unlikely that the husband would follow their wife for work. Radical feminists also suggest that domestic violence is evidence of patriarchy as  men use the threat or use of violence to control women. Domestic violence is a widespread problem being a sixth of all violent crime in 2007 and the cause of over 100 deaths per year. Domestic violence is mainly perpetrated by men against women with 1 in 4 women being assaulted by their partners at some point in their lives a nd only 1 in 7 men being assaulted. However these figures may be under representative as many victims are unwilling to report these events as police investigators are unwilling to record and investigate many claims. Some feminists also say that domestic violence occurs due the dominant models of masculinity in society leading some men to use violence to assert authority when they are challenged. However, Giddens explains it through the ‘emotional intensity’ of the family and Wilkinson says it is the product of stress created by social and economic inequalities (resulting in poverty, unemployment and poor housing). On the other hand these explanations do not explain why domestic violence also occurs in the middle and upper classes as well, despite the main victims being those in lower socio-economic groups. As shown in this essay, different feminist contributions to our understanding of the roles and relationships in the family have similarities. However those perspectives examined differ in ‘solution’ to the oppression of women in our society. While liberal feminists believe that changes in the law and attitudes of people will be enough to bring equality, Marxist and radical feminists believes revolutionary changes to deep-rooted social structures are needed. Marxist feminists also argue that the family must be abolished at the same time as socialist revolution replaces capitalism with a classless society. Radical feminists also believe that the family, the root of women’s oppression, must be overturned; the difference being that they believe this can only be achieved through separatism – women must organise themselves to live independently of men. After reviewing all the feminist theories I can say that feminist perspectives of the family have moved research away from the traditional functionalist view of male-dominated society. Feminist perspectives have highlighted the negative aspects of the fa mily which the functionalists have previously ignored, however all the different feminist views assume that the nuclear family is still the norm and ignores the increasing diversity of family life. Additionally, feminism is a structural theory meaning that they assume families and their members are merely  puppets to be manipulated by society. Social action theorists and postmodernists reject this idea and argue that individuals have some choice in creating family relationship of our own and choosing our domestic set up for ourselves. In final conclusion, I believe the feminist perspectives to have helped move sociological ideas forward and take into account negative aspects of family life as well as the positives, yet at the same time they need to broaden their ideas to encompass the idea of individuals having choice to create their own family situation with diversity in families on the rise.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Kinds of Medical Thermometers

MEDICAL THERMOMETER Medical thermometers are used for measuring human body temperature, with the tip of the thermometer being inserted either into the mouth under the tongue (oral or sub-lingual temperature), under the armpit (axillary temperature), or into the rectum via the anus (rectal temperature). CLASSIFICATION BY TECHNOLOGY Liquid-filled The traditional thermometer is a glass tube with a bulb at one end containing a liquid which expands in a uniform manner with temperature. The tube itself is narrow (capillary) and has calibration markings along it.The liquid is often mercury, but alcohol thermometers use a colored alcohol. Medically, a maximum thermometer is often used, which indicates the maximum temperature reached even after it is removed from the body. To use the thermometer, the bulb is placed in the location where the temperature is to be measured and left long enough to be certain to reach thermal equilibrium—typically three minutes. Maximum-reading is achieved by means of a constriction in the neck close to the bulb. As the temperature of the bulb rises, the liquid expands up the tube through the constriction.When the temperature falls, the column of liquid breaks at the constriction and cannot return to the bulb, thus remaining stationary in the tube. After reading the value, the thermometer must be reset by repeatedly swinging it sharply to shake the liquid back through the constriction. Mercury Mercury-in-glass thermometers have been considered the most accurate liquid-filled types. However, mercury is a toxic heavy metal, and mercury has only been used in clinical thermometers if protected from breakage of the tube.The tube must be very narrow to minimize the amount of mercury in it—the temperature of the tube is not controlled, so it must contain very much less mercury than the bulb to minimize the effect of the temperature of the tube—and this makes the reading rather difficult as the narrow mercury column is not very visible. Visibility is less of a problem with a coloured liquid. In the 1990s it was decided [by whom? ] that mercury-based thermometers were too risky to handle; the vigorous swinging needed to â€Å"reset† a mercury maximum thermometer makes it easy to accidentally break it and spill the moderately poisonous mercury.Mercury thermometers have largely been replaced by electronic digital thermometers, or, more rarely, thermometers based on liquids other than mercury (such as galinstan, coloured alcohols and heat-sensitive liquid crystals). Electronic or Digital Since compact and inexpensive methods of measuring and displaying temperature became available, electronic thermometers (often called digital, because they display numeric values) have been used. Many display readings to great precision (0. 1  Ã‚ °C or 0.   Ã‚ °F, sometimes half that), but this should not be taken as a guarantee of accuracy: specified accuracy must be checked in documentation and maintained by perio dical recalibration. A typical inexpensive electronic ear thermometer for home use has a displayed resolution of 0. 1  Ã‚ °C, but a stated accuracy within  ±0. 2  Ã‚ °C when new. [1] The first electronic clinical thermometer, invented in 1954, used a flexible probe that contained a Carboloy thermistor. [2] Contact Some electronic thermometers may work by contact (the electronic sensor is placed in the location where temperature is to be measured, and left long enough to reach equilibrium).These typically reach equilibrium faster than mercury thermometers; the thermometer may beep when equilibrium has been reached, or the time may be specified in the manufacturer's documentation. Remote Other electronic thermometers work by remote sensing: an infrared sensor responds to the radiation spectrum emitted from the location. Although these are not in direct contact with the area being measured, they may still contact part of the body (a thermometer which senses the temperature of the eardrum without touching it is inserted into the ear canal).To eliminate the risk of patient cross-infection, disposable probe covers and single-use clinical thermometers of all types are used in clinics and hospitals. Basal thermometer A basal thermometer is a thermometer used to take the basal (base) body temperature, the temperature upon waking. Basal body temperature is much less affected than daytime temperature by environmental factors such as exercise and food intake. This allows small changes in body temperature to be detected, such as those caused by ovulation [3] or changes in thyroid function [citation needed]. Glass oral thermometers typically have markings every 0. 1  Ã‚ °C or 0.   Ã‚ °F. Basal temperature is stable enough to require accuracy of at least 0. 05  Ã‚ °C or 0. 1  Ã‚ °F, so special glass basal thermometers are distinct from glass oral thermometers. Digital thermometers which have sufficient resolution (0. 05  Ã‚ °C or 0. 1  Ã‚ °F is sufficient) may be suitable for monitoring basal body temperatures; the specification should be checked to ensure absolute accuracy, and thermometers (like most digital instruments) should be calibrated at specified intervals. If only the variation of basal temperature is required, absolute accuracy is not so important so long as the readings do not have large variability (e. . , if real temperature varies from 37. 00  Ã‚ °C to 37. 28  Ã‚ °C, a thermometer which inaccurately but consistently reads a change from 37. 17  Ã‚ °C to 37. 45  Ã‚ °C will indicate the magnitude of the change). Some digital thermometers are marketed as â€Å"basal thermometers† and have extra features such as a larger display, expanded memory functions, or beeping to confirm the thermometer is placed properly. CLASSIFICATION BY LOCATION The temperature can be measured in various locations on the body which maintain a fairly stable temperature (mainly sub-lingual, axillary, rectal, vaginal, forehead, or tem poral artery).The normal temperature varies slightly with the location; an oral reading of 37  Ã‚ °C does not correspond to rectal, temporal, etc. readings of the same value. When a temperature is quoted the location should also be specified. If a temperature is stated without qualification (e. g. , typical body temperature) it is usually assumed to be sub-lingual. The differences between core temperature and measurements at different locations, known as clinical bias, are discussed in the article on normal human body temperature.Measurements are subject to both site-dependent clinical bias and variability between a series of measurements (standard deviations of the differences). For example, one study found that the clinical bias of rectal temperatures was greater than for ear temperature measured by a selection of thermometers under test, but variability was less. [4] Oral Oral temperature may only be taken from a patient who is capable of holding the thermometer securely under the tongue, which generally excludes small children or people who are unconscious or overcome by coughing, weakness, or vomiting. This is less of a problem with fast-reacting digital thermometers, but is certainly an issue with mercury thermometers, which take several minutes to stabilize their reading. ) If the patient has drunk a hot or cold liquid beforehand time must be allowed for the mouth temperature to return to its normal value. [5] The typical range of a sub-lingual thermometer for use in humans is from about 35 °C to 42 °C or 90 °F to 110 °F. Armpit The Armpit (axillary) temperature is measured by holding the thermometer tightly under the armpit. One needs to hold the thermometer for several minutes to get an accurate measurement.Rectal Rectal temperature-taking, especially if performed by a person other than the patient, should be facilitated with the use of a water-based personal lubricant. Although rectal temperature is the most accurate, this method may be con sidered unpleasant or embarrassing in some countries or cultures, especially if used on patients older than young children; also, if not taken the correct way, rectal temperature-taking can be uncomfortable and in some cases painful for the patient. Rectal temperature-taking is considered the method of choice for infants. 6] Ear Other kinds of medical thermometers exist, such as the tympanic thermometer that measures the temperature of the tympanum by infrared measurement, The thermometer has a projection (protected by a one-time hygienic sheath) which contains the infrared probe; the projection is gently placed in the ear canal and a button pressed; the temperature is read and displayed within about a second. These thermometers are used both in the home (models are available for prices starting at around 20 USD) and in medical facilities. Temporal arteryA newer development is the Temporal artery thermometer, which uses the infrared principle to accurately report a patient's tempera ture, with comparable accuracy to rectal thermometry. [citation needed] Forehead The band thermometer is applied to the patient's brow. It is typically a band coated with different temperature-sensitive markings using liquid-crystal or similar technology; at a given temperature the markings (numerals indicating the temperature) in one region are at the right temperature to become visible. This type gives an indication of fever, but is not considered accurate.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Porfiero Diaz essays

Porfiero Diaz essays Jos de la Cruz Porfirio DÃ ­az (15 September 1830 2 July 1915) was a dictator who ruled Mexico from 1876 until 1911 (with the exception of one single four-year period). Diaz was born in the city of Oaxaca, Mexico. He was a Mestizo, of Mixtec Indian and Spanish ancestry. An army officer with humble rural roots, he became something of a hero due to his participation in the war against the French, where he won several important victories. He led the cavalry in the celebrated Battle of Puebla of 1862. In 1876, he overthrew the government of President Sebastin Lerdo de Tejada. Initially, he advanced a platform of reform, using the slogan "No Re-election" (for the President). Defeated by Juarez in the presidential election of 1871, Diaz charged fraud and led a revolt against the government, which was not suppressed until after the inauguration of Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada. Diaz again lost in the presidential race of 1876. He refused defeat and 1876 he overthrew the government of President Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada. Aside from a brief period from 1880 to 1884 when he handpicked Manuel Gonzalez as his temporary successor, he remained in power until 1911. His rule was ruthless and ultimately effective. He maintained power through manipulation of votes, but also through simple violence and assassination of his opponents, which as a result were very few. He was a cunning politician and knew very well how to manipulate people to his advantage. He also sought reconciliation with previously hostile sectors, particularly the Catholic Church and the U.S. government. Diazs policy encouraging foreign investment resolved U.S. interference with Mexicos decisions, and led to U.S. recognition of his regime. Diaz embarked on a program of modernization, attempting to bring Mexico up to the level of a modern state. His principal adviser ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on FedEx & UPS

Introduction In the last 20 years, guaranteed two-day and overnight delivery service has resulted in drastic changes in business’ perceptions of â€Å"timely†. The Pony Express delivered messages for only a few months until the telegraph rendered it obsolete. Many think that fax machines and e-mail do the same thing to the overnight market. So far this has not been the case. The industry has continued to change nonetheless, hastened by the march of technology. As manufacturers and sellers have focused on driving costs down in a more competitive marketplace, inventory management has become an increasingly important issue. The package delivery industry has responded with packages and services that make better inventory management possible. The industry offers many price structures, timing options, and tracking information alternatives for a variety of different needs. Business Summary FedEx Corporation (FedEx) is a global provider of transportation, e-commerce and supply chain management services. Services offered by FedEx companies, through over 215,000 employees and contractors, include worldwide express delivery, ground small-parcel delivery, less-than-truckload freight delivery, supply chain management, customs brokerage, and trade facilitation and electronic commerce solutions. FedEx offers its integrated business solutions through a portfolio of operating companies, including Federal Express Corporation, the Company's largest subsidiary. United Parcel Service Inc. (UPS) is an express carrier, package delivery company and a global provider of specialized transportation and logistics services. Over the course of more than 90 years, the Company has expanded from a small regional parcel delivery service into a global company. UPS delivers packages each business day for 1.8 million shipping customers to six million consignees. The Company's primary business is the time-definite delivery of packages and documents t... Free Essays on FedEx & UPS Free Essays on FedEx & UPS Introduction In the last 20 years, guaranteed two-day and overnight delivery service has resulted in drastic changes in business’ perceptions of â€Å"timely†. The Pony Express delivered messages for only a few months until the telegraph rendered it obsolete. Many think that fax machines and e-mail do the same thing to the overnight market. So far this has not been the case. The industry has continued to change nonetheless, hastened by the march of technology. As manufacturers and sellers have focused on driving costs down in a more competitive marketplace, inventory management has become an increasingly important issue. The package delivery industry has responded with packages and services that make better inventory management possible. The industry offers many price structures, timing options, and tracking information alternatives for a variety of different needs. Business Summary FedEx Corporation (FedEx) is a global provider of transportation, e-commerce and supply chain management services. Services offered by FedEx companies, through over 215,000 employees and contractors, include worldwide express delivery, ground small-parcel delivery, less-than-truckload freight delivery, supply chain management, customs brokerage, and trade facilitation and electronic commerce solutions. FedEx offers its integrated business solutions through a portfolio of operating companies, including Federal Express Corporation, the Company's largest subsidiary. United Parcel Service Inc. (UPS) is an express carrier, package delivery company and a global provider of specialized transportation and logistics services. Over the course of more than 90 years, the Company has expanded from a small regional parcel delivery service into a global company. UPS delivers packages each business day for 1.8 million shipping customers to six million consignees. The Company's primary business is the time-definite delivery of packages and documents t...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Xia Dynasty of Ancient China

The Xia Dynasty of Ancient China The Xia Dynasty is said to have been the first true Chinese dynasty, described in the ancient Bamboo Annals called the Ji Tomb Annals, dated to the late third century BCE; and in the Records of the Historian Sima Qian (called the Shi Ji and written about 145 BCE). There is a long-standing debate as to whether the Xia Dynasty was myth or reality; until the mid-20th century, no direct evidence was available to support stories of this long-vanished era. Some scholars still believe that it was invented in order to validate the leadership of the Shang Dynasty, for which there is abundant archaeological and written evidence. The Shang Dynasty was founded in about 1760 BCE, and many of the attributes ascribed to the Xia are different from those ascribed to the Xia. Legends of the Xia Dynasty According to the historical records, the Xia dynasty is thought to have lasted between about 2070–1600 BCE, and it was said to have been founded by a man known as Yu the Grea a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, and born about 2069. His capital was at Yang City. Yu is a semi-mythical figure who spent 13 years stopping a great flood and bringing irrigation to the Yellow River Valley. Yu was the ideal hero and ruler, said to have been assisted in his work by a yellow dragon and a black turtle. Many of the tales about him are cast in mythology, which doesnt necessarily rule out the possible reality of a sophisticated society predating the Shang. The Xia dynasty is said to be the first to irrigate, produce cast bronze, and build a strong army. It used oracle bones and had a calendar. Xi Zhong is credited in legend with inventing a wheeled vehicle. He used a compass, square, and rule. King Yu was the first king to be succeeded by his son instead of a man chosen for his virtue. This made the Xia the first Chinese dynasty. The Xia under King Yu probably had about 13.5 million people. According to the Records of the Grand Historian (the Shi Ji, started around the second century BCE (over a millennium after the end of the Xia Dynasty), there were 17 Xia Dynasty Kings. They included: Yu the Great: 2205–2197 BCEEmperor Qi: 2146–2117 BCETai Kang: 2117–2088 BCEZhong Kang: 2088–2075 BCEXiang: 2075–2008 BCEShao Kang: 2007–1985 BCEZhu: 1985–1968 BCEHuai: 1968–1924 BCEMang: 1924–1906 BCEXie: 1906–1890 BCEBu Jiang: 1890–1831 BCEJiong: 1831–1810 BCEJin: 1810–1789 BCEKong Jia: 1789–1758 BCEGao: 1758–1747 BCEFa: 1747–1728 BCEJie: 1728–1675 BCE The fall of the Xia is blamed on its last king, Jie, who is said to have fallen in love with an evil, beautiful woman and become a tyrant. The people rose up in rebellion under the leadership of Zi Là ¼, the Tang Emperor and founder of the Shang Dynasty. Possible Xia Dynasty Sites While there is still debate over how much the texts can be relied on, there is recent evidence has increased the likelihood that there really was dynasty predating the Shang. Late Neolithic sites which hold some elements suggesting Xia dynasty remains include Taosi, Erlitou, Wangchenggang, and Xinzhai in central Henan province. Not all researchers in China agree to the connection of archaeological sites with prehistoric semi-mythical polities, although scholars have noted that Erlitou in particular had a high degree of cultural-political sophistication at an early period. Erlitou  in Henan Province is a massive site, covering at least 745 acres, and occupations between 3500–1250 BCE; at its heyday about 1800, it was the primary center in the region, with eight palaces and a large cemetery precinct.  Ã‚  Taosi, in southern Shanxi, (2600–2000 BCE) was a regional center, and had an urban center surrounded by large rammed-earth walls, a craft production center for pottery and other artifacts, and a semicircular rammed-earth structure which has been identified as an astronomical observatory.  Wangchenggang in Dengfeng province (2200–1835 BCE) was a settlement center for at least 22 other sites in the upper Ying River valley. It had two connected small rammed-earth enclosures built about 2200 BCE, a craftproduction center, and many ash pits some containing human burials.  Xinzhai, in Henan Province (2200–1900 BCE) is an urban center with at least fifteen associated sites surrounding it, with a large semi-subterranean stru cture interpreted as a ritual structure.   In 2016, an international group of archaeologists reported evidence of a great flood in the Yellow River at a site called Lajia, dated about 1920 BCE, which they claimed provided support to the great flood in the Xia Dynasty legends. The Laija townsite in particular was found with several residences with skeletons buried within the deposits. Wu Qinglong and colleagues admitted that the date was several centuries later than the historical records state. The article appeared in Science magazine in August of 2016, and three comments were quickly received disagreeing with the dating and interpretation of the geological and archaeological data, so the site remains an open question like the others. Sources Dai, L. L., et al. An Isotopic Perspective on Animal Husbandry at the Xinzhai Site During the Initial Stage of the Legendary Xia Dynasty (2070–1600 BC). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26.5 (2016): 885–96. Print.Han, Jian-Chiu. Comment on Outburst Flood at 1920 BCE Supports Historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia Dynasty. Science 355.6332 (2017): 1382–82. Print.Huang, Chun Chang, et al. Comment on Outburst Flood at 1920 BCE Supports Historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia Dynasty. Science 355.6332 (2017): 1382–82. Print.Liu, Li. State Emergence in Early China. Annual Review of Anthropology 38 (2009): 217–32. Print.Wu, Qinglong, et al. Outburst Flood at 1920 Bce Supports Historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia Dynasty. Science 353.6299 (2016): 579–382. Print.Wu, Qinglong, et al. Response to Comments on Outburst Flood at 1920 BCE Supports Historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia D ynasty. Science 355.6332 (2017): 1382–82. Print.Wu, Wenxiang, et al. Comment on â€Å"Outburst Flood at 1920 Bce Supports Historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia Dynasty†. Science 355.6332 (2017): 1382-82. Print.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ideal Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ideal Community - Essay Example To construct such a community we need individuals with specific traits and qualities who work for the task assigned to them beyond their personal beliefs. Such individuals work solely for the purpose and cause of constructing an ideal community with its underlying principles focused primarily on service of humanity. An ideal community has to be perfect in many ways that it shouldn’t be only ideal for the individual that house in it but also for others who view its system and functioning from outside aswell. For this following facts are needed to be considered and worked upon The individuals settling in my ideal community can belong to any age group, sex and ethnicity. The individuals residing in the community shall hold ownership of homes as this gives assurity of their activities and actions as they reside permanently in the community. Interested renters with family shall have chances of occupying residence in the community. Residents should be have an adjusting, respectful and accepting attitude. The community shall be located at a place which should be safe from much pollution, crimes and other hazardous activities while at the same time have all the important resources required by the occupants nearby like grocery stores, bus stands, subway stations, health care centers, congregation sites, cafes and recreational centers nearby. The residents of the community should take part in the direct voting process and vote for the good of the nation rather than their individual benefits. The community should work with the government and support its step which benefits the nation as a whole. Community will have facilities that shall promote recreational activities of the residents. Various recreational centers shall be established furnishing the needs of majority residents. This way the residents will have chance to interact and develop relationships. Residents are supposed to adhere to the laws of the country along with observing

Friday, October 18, 2019

Risk evaluation and calculation for a company. Importance of risk Essay

Risk evaluation and calculation for a company. Importance of risk evaluation while taking investment decisions - Essay Example In order to illustrate the complexities of risks involved, the subject of evaluation shall be a multinational company, principally located in an emerging Asian country, but producing an internationally marketed product. While the foreign firm boasts a fundamentally sound business, the fact that it involves investment in another country requires consideration of the various risks. A UK-based investment fund is considering investing in the Asian emerging market. It is considering SMCorp, a food and beverage company principally located in the Philippines. Its main product is the globally renowned San Miguel Beer which had won numerous prestigious international awards. SMCorp has expanded its operations abroad and established breweries located in China, Malaysia, and South America. The Philippine currency has an exchange rate of about PhP69:Â £1, within the past year varying between PhP73:Â £1 and PhP68:Â £1. SMCorp stock is sufficiently liquid and is a favourite among global funds that decide to invest in the Philippines, because of its excellent company fundamentals and steady rate of return. The company regularly declares a uniform stream of annual dividends and exhibits a strong cashflow pattern. Its stock price has a beta coefficient of 0.8. Its 52-week per-share figures are a high of PhP 61 and a low of PhP 38; it is currently at PhP 41. Being in the co nsumer food and beverage industry, demand for SMCorp’s products are consistent even during economic downturns, and sales are brisk locally and abroad. Risk, as applied to investments, is the probability of earning a return less than the expected return (Brigham, 1996). Investors are usually risk-averse; that is, investors will as much as possible try to avoid chances of earning below expected income, moreso chances of loss. Investors who do not assume more than the prevailing

An Ethical Approach towards Developing the Student Workload Project Essay

An Ethical Approach towards Developing the Student Workload Project - Essay Example As the paper outlines, the ethical issues may also involve the role of the developer of the system concerning the objective of the information technology system. The following analysis aims to identify the ethical issues surrounding a class project concerning intellectual property and reliability of the project. The case study for the analysis is based on the student workload tracker project. The student Workload tracker project was developed under the oversight of two administrator and nine project members who contributed towards the development of the project. The student workload tracker project was aimed at developing a computer system that would enhance the scheduling process of student’s assignments in school. In an ordinary learning environment students attempt to struggle balancing assignments, academic studies and social life. Subsequently, this makes the students to be overwhelmed since especially when they lack proper time management skills. Therefore, the student w orkload tracker project was aimed at developing a time management schedule based on the analysis of students’ routine activities and the normal time spent on completing a specific activity. Consequently, the system would use the data to present a trend based on various analytical tools such as graphs and charts. In addition a user interface would be used to enhance the appearance of the data in order to provide a clear view of the students’ task performance trends. Therefore based on the portrayed trend by the system, the students would be in a position to create a reliable schedule based on sequence of assignments and the anticipated time for completing relevant tasks. The implementation of the Student Workload tracker system was assessed on the basis of functionality and achievement of the deliverables by the group members.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Rise of China and the Subsequent Re-Shaping Of Business Essay - 1

The Rise of China and the Subsequent Re-Shaping Of Business Environment for MNEs (Multi-National Enterprises) - Essay Example The researcher states that modern era globalization has taken its present shape due to three primary reasons: technological innovation leading to worldwide networking and integration; global integration of emerging economies of developing countries; and opening up of by previously closed economies of countries like Brazil, India, and China. MNEs (Multinational Enterprises) are the product and the most visible aspect of globalization. A   MNE controls material  production  and/or provides services  to a large number of countries worldwide. MNEs conduct their operation (material production) in one country, which is generally termed as the ‘host country,’ while base their management activities in another country, referred to as the  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœhome country.’ Some of these MNEs are large and powerful, often operating with budgets that are more than the GDP of some of the developing nations in the world. The emergence of MNEs along with globalization is evident w hen we find that during the 1970s there were around 7000 MNEs, which at the turn of the century skyrocketed to around 60000. Around the same time, we find that the world’s largest MNCs and MNE’s (top 1000) accounted for almost 80% of the global industrial production, while the top 100 corporations and enterprises were responsible for 4.3% global GDP. At the core of globalisation and the rise of the MNCs and MNEs, is the emergence of China, as an economic power; and this article will examine the rise of Chinese economy and its particularly good relationship with various MNEs, and the recent break in this ‘good’ relationship leading to re-shaping of business environment for the MNEs in China.

Maritime Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Maritime Economics - Essay Example Maritime economics refers to the business of shipping which is considered to be quite intriguing. The shipping industry which marked its commencement with the transportation of cargoes has been witnessing increased significance owing to the related advantages and prospects in the field of international development (Cullinane, 2011). Shipping is considered to be a service based industry that is believed to grant the sustenance with regard to the global trade. The subject of maritime economics is believed to have developed and grown based on the study that is supposed to relate to the past record of shipping, for instance contractual understanding relating to shipping as well as trade (Talley, 2012). Performance evaluation indicators are considered to be essential in order to gauge the operating competence with regard to the shipping industry. It is regarded as essential to draw attention to the condition related to operation performance with the intention of further enhancing the performance. There has been stated to remain available numerous kinds of indicators for the reason of using them for assessing the results attained by the shipping companies or the seaports. The prevailing indicators are believed to be of great use owing to their easy computability with the help of the accessible information. The application of the indicators would enable the evaluation of the performance of a particular shipping company and ascertain the degree of contentment of the obtained results. The performance indicators is learnt to gauge the performance of the shipping companies in sectors like tanker, offshore, container, dry bulk and other miscellaneous sectors (Trujillo & et. al., 1999). It needs to be mentioned in this regard that the indicators related to performance measurement is not regarded as structured, comprehensive or constant. The indicators that are used to gauge the performance of the shipping companies is done with the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Rise of China and the Subsequent Re-Shaping Of Business Essay - 1

The Rise of China and the Subsequent Re-Shaping Of Business Environment for MNEs (Multi-National Enterprises) - Essay Example The researcher states that modern era globalization has taken its present shape due to three primary reasons: technological innovation leading to worldwide networking and integration; global integration of emerging economies of developing countries; and opening up of by previously closed economies of countries like Brazil, India, and China. MNEs (Multinational Enterprises) are the product and the most visible aspect of globalization. A   MNE controls material  production  and/or provides services  to a large number of countries worldwide. MNEs conduct their operation (material production) in one country, which is generally termed as the ‘host country,’ while base their management activities in another country, referred to as the  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœhome country.’ Some of these MNEs are large and powerful, often operating with budgets that are more than the GDP of some of the developing nations in the world. The emergence of MNEs along with globalization is evident w hen we find that during the 1970s there were around 7000 MNEs, which at the turn of the century skyrocketed to around 60000. Around the same time, we find that the world’s largest MNCs and MNE’s (top 1000) accounted for almost 80% of the global industrial production, while the top 100 corporations and enterprises were responsible for 4.3% global GDP. At the core of globalisation and the rise of the MNCs and MNEs, is the emergence of China, as an economic power; and this article will examine the rise of Chinese economy and its particularly good relationship with various MNEs, and the recent break in this ‘good’ relationship leading to re-shaping of business environment for the MNEs in China.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Do laws increase or diminish our freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Do laws increase or diminish our freedom - Essay Example Enforcement of laws includes imposing a series of penalties upon those that disobey the law. The penalties usually deprive the citizen of his wealth, his liberty or his life. The severity of the punishment depends on the crime committed. According to accepted norms of humanity and justice only people who commit acts of evil should be punished and so anyone who awards similar punishment to those who are innocent or with some other vested interest in mind finds himself in conflict with law. (Andersen, 1995) The diversity and conflicts of interests among men makes it very difficult to pass a set of laws that will be accepted by everybody. There is also a possibility that a man can change his interests over a period of time. However the only need that remains constant is a man’s need for freedom. Even though individual goals may be different, the desire to have the freedom to achieve a goal can be seen in every human being. There are four elements to a person’s freedom-life, liberty, property and knowledge. ‘As long as a government restricts itself to the function of protecting the elements of freedom and as long as it apportions the taxes and other essential duties equitably, no one can justly complain about its duties’ (Andersen, 1995) history has taught mankind that the violation of another person’s rights should not go unpunished as it can deprive him of his freedom. The relationship between freedom and law is perceived in two different ways. ‘ The free market liberal regards freedom as a natural fact- perhaps definitive of the human nature- that the law protects and, where possible, enables those positioned to take advantage of their freedom. In contrast, the social-welfare liberal treats freedom as itself one among many legal constructions that enable humanity to flourish, but just as long as freedom extends to everyone equally’. (Stone, 2007) There can never be an

Monday, October 14, 2019

A League of Their Own Essay Example for Free

A League of Their Own Essay In A League of Their Own, a girls baseball league was started while the professional male baseball players, along with many other men, were across seas fighting in World War II. This movie takes place in 1943. A group of ladies left their homes to become part of the All-American Girls Baseball League to keep the baseball traditions alive. In this movie, gender roles are crossed. After years of perpetrating the image of the docile little women who sat at home caring for her lord and master, American society suddenly found that it needed women who were competent to do hard skilled work during World War II (Ebert). This was alarming to the nation and threatening to some. During one of the scenes, a radio announcer announces that the league was dangerous to society. She called it sexual confusion. Much of the country began to worry about what type of women the men would have to come back to. Society believes that women should be sensitive and nurturing, not competitive. At this time, women were also running the businesses and factories. Working in factories and playing competitive sports were considered to be the role of the males. Women are to be sensitive, nurturing, and open (Johnsen). By playing sports and working in factories, women began to take over some more masculine traits. This was threatening to the men. They saw this as loosing control. Women play many parts in mens struggle for control. One part that women play is to support the idea that men and women are fundamentally different because this gives men a clear and unambiguous turf masculinity on which to pursue control in competition with one another (Johnsen). This threatened mens role and their sense of control. This threatened their masculinity. Even though women were now taking over the factories and sports while the men were away, there still were many politics involved. Instead of this new baseball league being looked at as a competitive sport, it was more of a show. One of the scouts in this movie did not want to take one of the most outstanding baseball players because she wasnt pretty. The scout finds her too homely for the league (Brown). Also, they were forced to wear skirt outfits to play in the dirt. When the women complained about that, the male instructor commented that they should be glad he isnt going to make them all wear bathing suits to play in. As if the uniforms werent discrimination enough, each and every girl had to take classes at a charm and beauty school. Here, they taught these women how to be ladies. They critiqued them in every way. They walked around and inspected each one, ordering for haircuts, eyebrow waxings, etc. When they reached the homely Marla, they were stumped as to what to do. They didnt see anyone being able to make a lady out of her. One instructor asked the other what she suggested. All the women could reply back was a lot of night games. She said this about one of the best players in the league. Also at the school, the ladies were taught how to sip not slurp tea, cross their legs appropriately, walk with grace, and balance a book on their head to promote a more graceful, feminine posture. As the movie continues, this so called womens league wasnt drawing in any profits and was threatened with closing down. This devastated the girls in the league. This league gave them something to speak of, something of their own, a sense of pride rather than just cooking and cleaning. In order to keep the league continuing, the girls had to draw attention and draw a crowd. It started to turn into a circus. The girls had to do splits to make plays more interesting, slid while the guys on the sidelines got a glimpse up their skirts, anything to make it more interesting and less threatening. At first the women were not given the respect they deserved for their hard work. Nobody believed that these housewives could play hard ball. Once the girls proved themselves, the men and the rest of society got threatened and still didnt watch. Until the sport became a show, it wasnt approved of. The girls had contests with the game to make it more interesting. One contest was called Catch a foul, win a kiss. This helps to illustrate that women are objects to be competed for, possessed, and used (Johnsen). Once the women began to make a show of the sport, the bleachers filled. Headlines began to read things such as Trading oven mitts for baseball mitts! and Diamonds, a Womens Best Friend. Women didnt receive their own league until it was the way the men wanted it. They werent to play competitively. It was to be more of a show. Women have gained only what men have been willing to grant; they have taken nothing, they have only received (Beauvoir). This is because men fear competition from women. If they are playing baseball and working in the factories, then what is the male role? Every woman who goes into medicine or law robs them of a job (Beauvoir). The men were threatened to what else the women would begin to do. Hollywood threw out its romance scripts and started making movies about strong, independent females and it was discovered that women could actually excel at professional sports (Ebert). This is a phenomenal movie that shows the power of women. It gets women out of the house and into the work force. It gets them doing just as the men. This was just the start of the women getting out of the house. Once the men came back from war, the women fought to keep their league alive. Many of the women in and outside of the league went on to be doctors and lawyers. Women were breaking out of the house whether the men were ready for it or not. The first girls in the league now have the own spot in the Baseball Hall of Fame. I believe that these women truly deserve this. Works Cited http://www.rottentomatoes.com.review.sn:usr/ns-home/cgi-bin/ad/adq.cgi, Joe Brown, 1992 http://wwwsuntimes.com/ebert/ebert_reviews/1992/07/764762html, Ebert, 1992 Johnson, Allan G. 1997. The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press Beauvoir, Simone de. 1953. The Second Sex. Trans. And ed. H.M. Parshley. New Yourk: Alfred A. Knopf. Friedan, Betty. 1963. The Feninine Mystique. New York: Dell. (20th ann. Ed. Published by W.W. Norton, 1983.) A League of Their Own, 1992.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD)

Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) Title: Discuss the nurse led intervention in relation to secondary prevention for COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) is a growing health concern today all over the world. The World health Organization predicts that by 2020 COPD will rise from it’s current ranking of 12th most prevalent disease worldwide to 5th and from 6th most common cause of death to 3rd.(Murry 1997) Another study by WHO(2002) states that COPD is the third largest cause of respiratory death and account for 20% of respiratory mortality. According to research conducted in UK, around 900000 patients are suffering from COPD in England and Wales currently (NICE 2004). Numbers of patients affected by COPD are increasing in UK and it has taken over the place of heart diseases as one of the major killer diseases leading to 30000 deaths per year. (Gibson 2003). Reason for dramatic increase in COPD includes reduced mortality from other diseases like heart diseases in industrialization countries and infectious diseases in developing countries with marked increase in cigarettes smoking and environmental pollution all over world. COPD is a chronic progressive disorder characterized airway obstruction with little or no reversibility. COPD affects bronchi, bronchioles and lung parenchyma with predominance on distal airways. It involves two clinical condition- chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Most patients with COPD have both pathological condition but relative extent of emphysema and chronic bronchitis is variable in individual patient. Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema Chronic bronchitis is defined as a cough productive of sputum on most days for 3 months for successive 2 years. Cough is due to hyper secretion of mucus not necessarily accompanied by air flow obstruction. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by enlargement and multiplication of mucus glands, resulting increased airway mucus production. Evidence suggests that apart from quantity, quality in the form of composition of mucus is also altered becoming more viscous. Mucus is one of the important component in pathophysiology of COPD. Increased secretion of mucus is the result of goblet cell hypertrophy on exposure to various noxious stimuli. This mucus affects pulmonary function in various ways. Increased secretion for prolong period leads to decrease in FEV1 which is promotional to degree of hyper secretion .Excess mucus causes airway obstruction by accumulation in peripheral airways and increased airway resistance. Additionally, there is thickening of airway wall and infiltration with lymphocytes, neutrophils and macrophages leading to fibrosis. In contract to asthma, infiltration of lymphocytes and neutrophils are found in greater number in airway lumen. In the event of exaggeration of COPD, Eosiniphils are also observed in airway lumen. Inflammatory process in COPD is powered by interaction of proteolytic enzymes and several chemokines, as sputum of patients with COPD shows increased amount of Leucotriene B4, interleukin- 8 and tumor necrosis factor. Emphysema is defined as enlargement of airspaces distal to terminal bronchioles with destruction of alveolar wall resulting loss of elasticity of lung and closure of small airways. Elastic recoil of alveolar attachment helps to maintain the patency of airway lumen especially during expiration. With destruction of connective tissue matrix of alveolar walls by proteolytic enzymes called proteases, released by inflammatory cells in the alveolar wall causing destruction of elastin, affects structural integrity of alveolar wall. Pathological changes in emphysema are related to proteolytic activity of these enzymes. In peripheral airways of patients with COPD, there is airflow limitation due to loss of alveolar attachments, inflammatory obstruction of airways and luminal obstruction with mucus. The airway narrowing in COPD is the end result of combination of structured inflammatory narrowing, loss of elastic recoil and loss of alveolar attachments. One of the important effects of risk factors of COPD is abnormality in ciliary function. Airway wall is lined by cilia which act as a force to propel mucus or foreign body towards trachea for coughing it out. Mucociliary function is affected by thick and tenacious mucus. It also increases the risk of infection due to accumulation in airway causing recurrent infection in lungs and further lung damage. Mucus plugging and pulmonary infection contributes to V/Q mismatch and hypoxia eventually. Acute hypoxia caused dyspnoea affecting other systems of the body. Chronic hypoxia leads to pulmonary hypertension and right sided failure. Other pathophysiological consequences of COPD include abnormalities in pulmonary function, the mechanism of gas exchange. Risk factors for COPD There are several factors responsible for development of COPD called risk factors. Smoking cigarettes, both active and passive, is considered the major causative factor in development of COPD. More than 80% of COPD patients are or were smokers (Gibson 2003). Air pollution, industrial smoke and chemicals used in industry are responsible for development of COPD. Exposure to industrial dust is a causative factor in diseases like asbestoses, mesothelioma and black lung disease. Infection especially in early childhood and frequent exposure to allergens leading to changes in airway are contributing factors in development of COPD. People with Alfa -1 antitrypsin deficiency are more likely to develop COPD due to genetic defect in production of enzyme alfa-1 antitrypsin. It is believed that patients having periodontal diseases are more likely to develop COPD as the bacteria casing periodontal diseases travel to lung and cause infection and inflammation. Babies with low birth weigh have shown increase incidence of COPD and poor nutrition during fetal development leading to small dysfunctional lung is considered the responsible factor for development of COPD. COPD in more common in men, over sixty years of age. At this age it is at its highest level of development, which started in young age. Out of all the risk factors discussed smoking cigarettes is most important factor in causing COPD. Effects of smoking cigarettes on human body are due to nicotine present in a cigarette. Nicotine molecule was produced over 60 million years ago by tobacco plant to overcome insect herbivores. Tobacco introduced in Europe in 1492 when Christopher Columbus sailed to America and its cultivation then spread to many parts of world (Corti 1931). Today tobacco is widely prevalent in society in the form of cigarette smoking. Typical cigarette contain 9 mg of nicotine of which 1 mg is absorbed by smoker. Burning tobacco produce a complex mixture of compounds divided in gas and particulate phase components. In gas phase component, carbon monoxide (4%) forms the significant amount in concentration in addition to nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. The particulate phase component is consisting of aerosol of tar. Tar is the sticky, brown, residual substance left after removal of nicotine and moisture. Both gas and particulate phase are responsible for COPD Delivery of smoke compound is variable according to type of tobacco used in cigarette, addition of filter and the vigor with which an individual smokes cigarette. Smoking affects lung at the level of bronchi, bronchiole and lung parenchyma. Tobacco smoke affects structure and function of bronchial mucous gland. Number and size of mucus secreting glands increase due to smoking leading to more production and deposition of mucus in airway. Tobacco smoke also produces structural changes in airway cilia. These changes are related to dose and duration of smoke exposure. It also affects the function of cilia with abnormal clearance of secretion. Additionally, it also cases narrowing of small airways with inflammation and fibrosis. Apart from this, smoking has some short term effects like increase in carboxyhaemoglobin, decreased appetite and emotional dependence on nicotine. COPD is treated with elimination of risk factors, bronchodilators such as beta-agonists and anti-cholinergic, corticosteroids, low concentration of oxygen and mucus thinner like guaifenesic. The cost of COPD is enormous as economic burden on health care system, society, patients and their family is significant. An audit of 1400 patients admitted in a hospital revealed that 34% patients readmitted and 14% had died within 3months. (Roberts 2002) It is imperative to act upon risk factors responsible for COPD. Smoking is major risk factor for development of COPD and it is never too late to stop smoking and benefits starts immediately. (Price 2004).Usually smoking starts in teen age and continues for long time, but those who have never smoked remain non-smoker for many years. Study indicated decline in number of male smokers in UK from 70% in 1950 to 28% in 1998 (Macfadyen 2001).More positively, men are giving up smoking in increasing number. These changes in behavior of people in society towards smoking are the result of implementation of health promotion strategies in communities. Health promotion is the science and art of helping people changing life style to move towards the state of optimum health. Optimum health is defined as a balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual health (Irwin 2005) Health promotion is directing the plan to foster communities’ abilities to take effective actions at local level. It covers the methods to map and mobilize local resources, to activate citizens, government for management of positive changes, and transform institutions into health promoting environment. It involves the actions to improve ability of health care system for primary and secondary prevention and assist citizens in taking control and improve their own health by behavior and lifestyle changes. Life style changes can be facilitated with combination of enhanced awareness and creating environment that support good health practice. Health promotion is that element of public health that focus on social conditions for maintenance and development of better health for productive society. Evaluation of health education programmes reveled that change in knowledge did not result in action and improved health. Knowledge alone is not sufficient but people need the confidence that they can change their lives. Hubley (2002) explained that health empowerment has two components self efficacy and health literacy. Self efficacy implies feeling of power and control and confidence of taking action. Health literacy is related to ability to communicate health related issues. .Health literacy is achieved only by means of health education leading to understanding of health issues and application of it in decision making. Many traditional health education methods rather disempower person by creating more dependency on health professionals. Important element in health promotion is to provide cognitive input through educational process which will not undermine community confidence. Health education using participatory learning methods creates a way forward for heath literacy and self efficacy. Nurses in health care set up facilitate these components of health promotion by helping smoking cessation in society and directing health care for secondary prevention of COPD. Nurses as health care professionals act by providing information and support to smokers either by telephone contact or nurse led clinic to obtain objective of reducing smoking in communities. There are clear objectives for nurses in smoking cessation programmes of advocating positive social and environment changes for health promotion and organizing supporting activities that leads to secondary prevention of health related morbidity and mortality. It is important for nurses to educate the people to influence the positive behavior changes in health related issues. Apart from providing information, it is important for nurses to use the information to bring change by communicating and convincing smokers and organizing individual action. Government says that smokers are four times more likely to quit smoking using NRT with local NHS stop smoking programme than if they only rely on their will power. (DH 2004) Smoking is seen in three phases: initiation, maintenance and cessation. Initiation occurs in early teens and begins with experimentation with cigarettes. There is evidence that adolescent of more rebelling or risk taking, out going nature are more likely to take up cigarettes. Individuals of more neurotic personality are also more prone to take up cigarettes. Some degree of genetic predisposing has also been observed, which not particularly specific to nicotine but also for alcohol and caffeine. High status individuals in media also have great influence in initiation of smoking. Maintenance of smoking is promoted by direct and indirect effect of nicotine releasing central dopamine, noradrenalin and opiate peptides. It helps in coping with stress and also improves performance due to its tranquillizing effect, in a variety of tasks but it eventually leads to dependence, addiction and withdrawal symptoms. On initial contact with patient, nurse establishes that the person is a smoker and obtains informed consent from person. Nurse gives a questionnaire to patient to know smoking history of patient in the form of numbers of cigarettes smoked in a day by a person. It also includes disclosure of information about duration and pattern of smoking. Nurses then assess the willingness of the person to stop smoking. By asking smoker to rate the importance of quitting on a scale one to ten, with one number having least importance. Smokers are also asked to rate their confidence in their ability to quit. This gives an idea to nurse about the readiness of a smoker for quitting. Nurse also assess level of breathlessness in patient with COPD, which is graded as follows (Gibson 2003). Not troubled by breathlessness on strenuous exercise. Breathlessness when walking uphill Walks slower than counterpart on the level because of breathlessness Stops to take a breath after 100m or a few min on the level Too breathless leave the home or breathless on dressing. After initial assessment, nurse counsel patient to educate and prepare him/ her to take action to quit smoking. Nurse explains the benefits of smoking cessations with emphasis on the explanation that a person starts getting benefits immediately after stopping and set a quit day with explanation of problem they may come across. In clinic, most patients say they would like to give up and also tried to stay away from cigarette (Percival 2004).A study indicates that long term success of smoking cessation depends on several factors like low daily cigarettes and delayed first cigarette of day; low consumption of alcohol or caffeine, high socioeconomic class; non smoking spouse and less neurotic or depressive personality. Some evidence also suggests that women find it difficult to give up. It is important for the nurses to now the degree of self confidence from the outset that the goal will be achieved and absence of stressful episodes during the therapy as contributing factors for long term abstinence from smoking. Study suggests that, persons usually give up smoking after five to six trial and error sequences. (Gibson 2003) The duration of therapy is usually six weeks. Nurses lead session either in a group or one to one and manage for regular follow up. After initial contact, nurses remain in contact with person by telephone or in clinic at 2 days, one week, three weeks and three months interval. Patients are given booklet about COPD and disadvantages of smoking. Booklet also contains the benefit s of quitting smoking. It also explains the patient about how to quit smoking, how to cope with withdrawal symptoms like need to smoke, depression, irritability, insomnia, difficulty in concentration, restlessness and increased appetite Patients with strong withdrawal urge are explained about NRT. At the end of six weeks patients have consultation with nurses. Those who continued smoking or relapsed are offered additional support. Anti smoking public health campaign helps smokers by drawing attention more frequently and pushing them to take action. It also helps nurse in facilitating their advice. Self reported motivation of smokers, wish to avoid further health problem and in some cases actual ill health are important factors in giving up smoking. For example, a pregnant lady is inclined to give up smoking to avoid harm to her baby. Smokers receiving advice from hospital physician specially after admission for myocardial infarction had quit rate of 50%, compared to success rate for advice by physician in general practice of around 5% in unselected patients.(Pety 2000 ) Concern of passive smoking and many times social pressure by family and friends also contributes in moving forward for help in smoking cessation clinic. Rising price of cigarettes and ban or restriction of smoking in public places also tend to discourage smokers. Socioeconomic model suggest that for every one percentage rise in cigarette price leads to 0.5 % drop in consumption (NICE 2004).Smoking advertisements and perceived status of smoking from them are significant factors in encouraging people to become smoker. Nurse encourages person in finding alternate source of enjoyment and different coping strategies in the event of stress leads to successful outcome on long term. Nurse also takes help of specialist in search for other ways of mastering concentration during sustained task. Nurse also asks spouse to quit smoking to create the environment for behavior change. Many smokers have poor central control system for arousal reward and punishment, and then alternative strategies may involve physical sports, mental relaxation, assertiveness techniques and different scheduling for work activities. Nurses help smokers understanding and reducing the image smoking as’ something exciting and sophisticated’. Most smokers give up with the help of their own efforts but those who cannot manage themselves nurses propose specific methods with the social support. For those , who will not give up in immediate future some damage limitation can be achieved by production of safe cigarettes; transfer to pipe or cigar or chewing tobacco; other formulation of tobacco like nicotine gum, nasal spray, transdermal patch inhalable aerosol- called nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). Before starting medication nurse rules out contraindication for medication like severe cardiovascular diseases, recent MI, severe cardiac arrhythmia, recent CVA, transient ischemic attack, pregnancy and breast feeding. Variety of other drugs apart from medications used for NRT are also used in practice which counteract unpleasant aspects of nicotine withdrawal, includes amphetamine, benzodiazepines, ACTH, vasopressin, clonidine, fluoxetine, bupropion and naloxone. Mecamylamine (nicotinic antagonist) is another important medicat ion used in smoking cessation. Nicotine replacement therapy in the form of nicotine gum or patch is better than smoking and decrease health risk. NRT and bupropion are prescribed to those who have set a date as a target to stop smoking. Transfer to pipe decrease the risk of lung damage, but can not protect upper oesophageal tract. With nicotine nasal spray, absorption from mucosa is much faster than gum and the blood level achieved are comparable with cigarette smoking. Nicotine aerosol has irritant sensation in nose but it is still the attractive option in switching from cigarettes. Nicotine patches application on skin promotes slow absorption of nicotine from the skin .It is devoid of sufficient sensory stimulation involved in smoking. It has limitation in alleviating withdrawal symptoms during smoking cessation therapy. Practically more useful are nicotine gum, transdermal nicotine patch, nasal spray and antidepressant bupropion. They are equally effective and safe, doubling quitting rate. Study indicates less than 5% drop out rate due to adverse effects if these drugs, but combination is superior in effects compared to single drug (Gibson 2003).Combining medication with counseling by nurse boost the quit rate. Nurse explains side effects of NRT like headache, nausea, dizziness, palpitation, dyspepsia, hiccups, insomnia, myalgia, anxiety, and irritability to patients before starting it. For many novice ex-smokers major difficulties emerge after initial euphoria of successfully having overcome the first week of withdrawal symptoms. The more complex task then begins to manage and overcome withdrawal symptoms for longer term for successful outcome. NRT forms the mainstay of management of withdrawal symptoms. There are differences in response from various types of NRT .In case of heavy smokers( more than 20 cigarettes a day) 4mg nicotine gum is more effective than 2mg. In medium to heavy smokers standard patch of 21 mg is more effective than lower dose patch. Treatment with NRT is continued for 10 to12 weeks with gradual withdrawal. If person is unsuccessful in quitting after 3 months, the treatment is again reviewed. (West 2000) Addition to anti-smoking measures, nurse should check effectiveness of inhaled drug, it’s technique and if they are symptomatic despite short acting bronchodilators. Nurse also takes care of nutrition and vaccination in COPD case. Nurse led clinic for smoking cessation is a part of pulmonary rehabilitation program which involves exercise and education over 6to 8 weeks to anyone who feels that COPD is affecting quality of his or her life. It is closely related to health promotion by creating an environment and providing education for improving personal and community health. Educating people to change behavior and empowering them to take actions leading to smoking cessation are essential elements of smoking cessation clinics. References Corti C., (1931). A history of smoking. London: George G. Harrap Department of health, Office of National statistics, (1997). General household survey. London: HMSO Gibson g., Duncan G., costabel U., Sterk P., Corrin B.,( 2003). Respiratory medicine, 3rd edi, vol. 1 p 645. London: Elsevier Hubley J (2002). Health empowerment, health literacy and health promotion putting it all together. http://www.hubley.co.uk/1hlthempow.htm (Accessed on May 14, 2005) Irwin J (2005). Health promotion theory in practice: an analysis of Co-Active Coaching. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring ,vol-3, no-1.http://www.brookes.ac.uk/schools/education/ijebcm/vol3-1-a-morrowirwin.html! (Accessed on May 14, 2005) Macfadyen L., Hastings G., Mackintosh A., ( 2001). Cross sectional study of young people-awareness and involvement with tobacco markets. BMJ. 322, pp 512-517. Murry C., Lopez A., (1997). Alternative projections of morbidity and disability by cause, 1990-2020: Global burden of diseases study. Lancet: 349. 1498-1504 NICE guidelines (2004). Management, treatment and cure of COPD. British journal of nursing ,vol.13, no18, pp1100-1103 NICE; (2004). Guidelines to improve patients with COPD. London : NICE Percival J. (2004).Make use of all resources to quit smoking. http://www.professionalnurse.net/nav?page=pronurse.articleresource=1454302fixture_article=1454302category=RESPIRATORY_CARE. (Accessed on May 14 , 2005) Pety R., Darby S., Deo H., (2000). Smoking, smoking cessation and lung concern in UK since 1956.Combination of national statistics with two cases control studies. BMJ, 321, pp 323-324 Price D., Foster J., Scullion J., Freeman D., (2004). Asthma and COPD. London: Elsevier Roberts M., Lowe D., Bucknell C., (2002). Clinical audit indicator of outcome following admission to hospital with acute exacerbation of COPD. Thorax, 57, pp 137-141 West R., McNeill a., Raw a., (2000) .Smoking cessation guidelines for health professionals: an update. Thorax, 55, pp 987-999 WHO, (2002), reducing risks, promoting healthy life. Geneva : WHO Legally Binding Undertaking I, Paulatsya Joshi, undertake that in line with my contractual obligations this work is completely original, and has not been copied from any website or any other source, either in whole or in part. By submitting this work I understand that if my work is found to be plagiarised that I will not only forfeit my fee but also be subject to legal proceedings in order to recover damages for loss of profit and damage to business reputation. 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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ethical Analysis of a Nursing Case Study Essay -- Health

Ethical Analysis of a Nursing Case Study `Ethics' is defined as ."..the basis on which people...decide that certain actions are right or wrong and whether one ought to do something or has a right to something"(Rumbold, 1986). In relating `ethics' to nursing care, "Nursing decisions affect people... nurses have the power to good or harm to their patients" (Bandman et al, 2002). In this essay, the author will also identify the most important ethical principles and concepts of Evan's case, will outline the different stages of one's approach to ethical decision-making by utilising the "DECIDE Model for Ethical Decision-Making" founded by Thompson et al (2000) and will make a decision on the best course of action to take as a nurse in this situation. In "Defining the Problem", the first stage of one's approach to ethical decision-making, the key facts are that Evan is a married man committed to a psychiatric unit who contracted HIV after a homosexual affair without the knowledge of his wife, Claire. He refuses that his wife and family be told of his illness. The stakeholders involved directly are: Evan, who does not want his family to find out about his illness or affair; his nurse, who is under increased strain worrying about the burden of, perhaps, having to break the confidentiality entrusted in him; Claire, is the most direct stakeholder as she may have contracted HIV; Evan's partner during the affair is also at risk of contracting HIV and his subsequent partners are also at risk; the other members of staff, are in constant worry over Evan which means that they cannot concentrate fully on their other patients; Evan's family is also involved directly as they are worried about his well-being. There are also stakeholders indire. .. .... (2002) Nursing Ethics: Through the Life Span. 4th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Edwards, S.D. (1996) Nursing Ethics: A Principle-Based Approach. 1st ed. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. http://www.ethicsweb.ca/guide/ Mill, J.S. (1861) Utilitarianism. Cited in Price, J.A. (2000) Philosophy through The Ages. 1st ed. Australia: Wadsworth. Rumbold, G. (2000) Ethics in Nursing Practice. 3rd ed. Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall. Tadd, W. (2004) Ethical and Professional Issues in Nursing. 1st ed. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Thompson, I.E., Melia, K.M., Boyd, K.M. (2003) Nursing Ethics. 4th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. UKCC (United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting) (1992) Code of Professional Conduct for the Nurse, Midwife and Health Visitor, 3rd ed. London: UKCC

Friday, October 11, 2019

Devil’s man Essay

This scene is also very captivating as there are so many different storylines and agendas going on in it, on the surface you have Elizabeth Proctor lying for her husband which results in them having a dire consequence, and Hales dramatic change of opinion. Underneath you have Abigail pushing Mary to join her by getting herself and her ‘tools’ (other girls from Salem) to act as if they are being possessed by Mary and Mary has transfigured herself into a yellow bird â€Å"Oh Mary this is a black art to change your shape.† Abigail knows she has to win Mary over to her side so all are ganged up against John Proctor as he has started violently accusing Abigail â€Å"Give me a whip, I’ll stop it† and Abigail realises these accusations have to stop. Abigail knows it will not take long for Mary to cave in, and this is what makes Abigail such an alluring character, as in this scene I cannot help but quite like her as she is so over the top and melodramatic, from a modern day reader of the play the ridiculousness but intelligence of her ideas provide a lot of the appealing aspects of the play and especially this scene. It would be a mistake to say Abigail is totally evil as in the same way it would be a mistake to say Proctor is totally good as although in the end of the play he dies a ‘martyr’ as he refuses to confess to witch-craft we cannot forget he did commit adultery and has had more than a few feuds with other members of Salem (most notably Parris). Abigail also witnessed her parent’s deaths and therefore was bought up with no family around her. She also is totally in love with John Proctor and would do anything to wed him and by accusing Elizabeth of witchcraft all she is doing is trying to get closer to John. Another engaging aspect of this scene is the fact that the audience watching the play experiences so many emotions. There is the anxiety and suspense felt when Elizabeth has to say if her husband was a lecher, and then there is the tragic, saddened emotion when you realise what is going to happen to John Proctor as Elizabeth said he had had no affair. There is the excitement when Abigail fakes Mary’s possession of her, and also the shock of Hales remarkable change in character. I believe what makes this play so popular, and what is particularly represented in this scene is all the characters are so human, their personalities so deep and structured. I feel this is for many reasons although predominately because Miller wrote the characters from ‘The Crucible’ from historic evidence in Salem town records- many of the characters names appear in the records and even Proctors affair is recorded. Also what makes these characters so realistic is there are no characters who are purely ‘good’ or purely ‘bad’ and what makes them so enthralling is they all have their little faults for example (Proctor to Elizabeth) â€Å"You ought to bring some flowers in the house. Oh I forgot! I will tomorrow.† This shows us Elizabeth can at times be forgetful which makes the audience able to relate to her and the rest of the characters as everyone has their own imperfections. John Proctor is an extremely enchanting character, however at times personally I felt he became a little tiresome especially during the end when he keeps on at Elizabeth whether she will forgive him if he confesses to witchcraft – and lies to God â€Å"I would have your forgiveness, Elizabeth.† In this scene though Proctor has an unnerving desperation about him pleading for his wife’s and his own lives. It only hit me when I had just finished the book the similarities between John Proctor and Arthur Miller himself as they were both persecuted and punished for things out of their control (Miller for not being anti-communist) and John Proctor (for being accused of trafficking with the Devil). They also both refused to confess as neither of them felt they were guilty of a crime and therefore were in effect Martyrs although Miller did not die. Principally, however the main reason I like this scene so much is from a dramatic point of view. It would be fantastic to perform as there is so much going on and the characters are so well formed by Miller. There is also a vast contrast of characters to play in the scene. What also makes it appealing from a theatrical aspect is the ‘roller coaster’ of emotions and changes of emotions, which happen so quickly. This passage is also a prime example of why Miller wrote the play, which is a further reason I admire the scene so much. This scene shows not only the persecution of a man who is innocent like the persecution of the communists, but also shows the power of religion, and how when the majority of people in a community believe something so passionately in this instance God and Christianity, arguing against it will do far more harm than good. It shows the dangers of living in a theocratic society where everything is kept behind closed doors, and when it is exposed the consequences can be literally in Salem in the seventeenth century, fatal. This scene is strengthened by the 17th century language, which adds a certain harsh quality to the way the line sounds. The ending of the scene is my favourite part of the passage, this is because the is when Mary sees Danforth is believing Abigail more and more and she knows that she will be hanged if she does not join Abigail. Therefore she admits to speaking with the Devil, but says to the court â€Å"(Mary pointing at Proctor) You are the Devil’s man!† This surprises everyone probably even Mary herself as she didn’t think she was strong enough to do it, but she realises fighting against Abigail was fighting a losing battle. Throughout the play there are many interesting and dramatic scenes, which captivated my imagination, however this scene stood out above all others largely because of the acting potential and the tremendous depth to the characters although the reasons above also played a part in why I enjoyed the scene. Recently Arthur miller was stated saying, â€Å"At least the play is still living† I believe it certainly is.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ancient Greek Contributions

Ancient Greek civilizations originated in 2000 B. C. and lasted to about 300 B. C. their culture still impacts Western civilization. Also Greeks spread their ideas all over the world. They contributed significantly with the ideas of geometry, philosophy, government, sporting events, architecture, sculpture, drama, and more. All of this came about and reached new heights during Greece’s â€Å"Golden Age†. This age lasted for about 50 years. Today all of our lives are greatly affected and influenced from the lives of Greeks. Today in the Western civilizations they use a form of government called democracy. Doc 3) There is a fragment from Pericles’ Funeral Oration. It describes Athens’ governmental plan. A system of government called democracy, where more citizens participate and have more say. In direct democracy citizens rule directly not through representation. Part of Pericles’ plan for Athens was to increase the number of public officials with pai d salaries and use direct democracy. Pericles plan for democracy was also for the poor to not be discriminated for social rankings. He also wanted the citizens to serve his country at any position on the social scale but you have to be a defined citizen. Pericles once stated â€Å"†¦power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people†. Athens went through a period of time of power struggles between the rich and poor. Today there are many countries that use democracy as a form of government. During Athens â€Å"Golden Age† philosophy started to take over. A philosopher is a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, and logic. They were also known as â€Å"lovers of wisdom†. Philosophers taught through questioning about life, family, friends, and religion. Socrates, a philosopher that came about during the birth of philosophy. He believed there was absolute standards existed for truth and justice. Socrates encouraged people to question their moral character and actions. For example, one of his most famous quotes was â€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living† (Doc1). At the age of 70 he was brought to trial for â€Å"corrupting the youth of Athens†. Government officials thought these ideas were radical, absurd, and dangerous. Socrates defended himself by forcing people to think for themselves. He had the decision to drink hemlock, a slow acting poison or tell the world that everything he said was a lie. He chose the hemlock and died. His contribution became an important part of Western civilization, a lesson that taught people to think for themselves and to stand up for what they believe in. Aristotle lived from 384 to 322 B. C. He was a student of Plato. Aristotle opened a school in Athens called the Lyceum. He believed in studying how things originated to achieve the clearest view. Aristotle invented a method for arguing according to logic. Aristotle questioned the nature of the world and human belief. He applied this method to psychology, physics, and biology. He believes that a life guided by human reason is superior to any other and that someone’s ability to reason distinguishes them from anyone else (Doc2). These ideas of human reasoning and standards for justice are still used in western civilization, therefore showing Greece’s influence and contribution. Another area of Greek achievement is theater. In ancient Greece plays became important. There were two kinds of plays written and performed, comedy and tragedy. A comedy back then usually made fun of a certain topic. A tragedy in ancient Greece usually dealt with a social or moral issue, or human suffering. In a tragedy play a girl named Antigone goes against the king’s orders and buries her brother, who was killed while leading a rebellion (Doc 6) shows an example of a tragedy play. In this play many Greeks values were expressed which is the same purpose of the majority of western civilizations plays today which was to express certain values. It can easily be noted that all over the world is significantly impacted by ancient Greece. They made major development and advancements in the areas of math, science, philosophy, art, government, and architecture.